474 research outputs found

    Statistical analysis and application of competing risks model with regression

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    The paper deals with the methods of statistical analysis of dependent competing risks in the presence of covariates. The problem of identification of marginal and joint distributions of competing random variables is recalled and certain identifiability results in the framework of regression models are presented. The main objective is then to study the case when the correlation of competing variables depends on covariates, as this phenomenon has not been taken into account in the most of papers dealing with the identifiability of competing risks models with regression. Such a dependence is demonstrated and estimated on a real example with unemployment data

    On impact of statistical estimates on precision of stochastic optimization

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    This paper studies the consequences of imperfect information for the precision of stochastic optimization. In particular, it is assumed that the stochastic characteristics of an optimization problem depend on unknown parameters estimated from available data. First, a theoretical result is presented, showing that consistent parameters estimation leads to consistent optimization. Further, a type of the studied models is specified; it is assumed that the random variables present in the optimization problem are influenced by covariates. This influence is expressed via a parametric regression model, whose parameters have to be estimated and used instead of the unknown correct parameters values. The objective is then to explore, with the aid of simulations, the imprecision of the optimization based on these estimates. Several types of regression models are recalled, the variability of estimates and the related precision of sub-optimal solutions is studied in detail on an example dealing with optimal maintenance. The impact of random right-censoring on the deterioration of precision is studied as well

    Ohrožuje i nás tající ledovcová pokrývka?

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    summary:In recent years, scientists and politicians have discussed who or what is responsible for global warming. In the paper based on the facts of reducing ice cover around the poles, we create various scenarios (model situations) and look for consequences to which the observed phenomena may lead. Does global warming threaten humanity

    Co může způsobit sedm miliard lidí?

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    summary:Around the year 1810, there were about one billion people on the Earth and nature was in balance. There were no heat power-stations and no transport by heat engines. Today, there are 7 billion people on the Earth, who increase the quantity of carbon dioxide by their activity and who contribute to global increase of temperature. There are models of situations on secondary school level to obtain concrete idea about consequence of the global increase of temperature

    Analysis of Selected Demographic and Economics Indicators of the City Hodonín

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na analýzu demografického a ekonomického vývoje města Hodonín z hlediska vybraných ukazatelů. Hlavním cílem práce je zkoumání vývojového trendu zvolených ukazatelů a stanovení prognózy jejich vývoje v budoucnosti. K dosažení požadovaných cílů bylo z odvětví matematické statistiky využito regresní analýzy a časových řad.This Bachelor thesis focuses on analyzing the demographic and economic trend of the City of Hodonin in terms of selected indicators. The main aim of this thesis is to examine the development trend of the chosen indicators and determine the prognosis of their trend in the future. Regression analysis methods and time series from mathematical statistics are used in this thesis to achieve the desired goals.

    Procedurally Generated Lens Flare Effect for Blender

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    Lens flare je obrazový efekt způsobený nechtěným odrazem světla v čočkovém systému fotoaparátu. Cílem této práce je simulovat tento efekt v aplikaci pro tvorbu 3D obsahu Blender. Generovaný efekt je potom vložitelný do výsledného obrázku. Projekt je navržen jako doplněk do aplikace. Doplněk nabízí uživateli několik parametrů pro nastavení žádaného výsledku.Lens flare is an image artefact caused by unintended reflection of light in camera's lens system. The goal of this project is simulation of this phenomena in open source 3D content creation suite Blender. The generated effect is then composited into final image. The project is designed as an add-on. The add-on allows user to customize several parameters to achieve the desired result.

    The Use of Artificial Intelligence on Commodity Markets

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou obchodování na komoditních trzích. Řešení problematiky spočívá ve využití umělé inteligence, konkrétně neuronových sítí, k technické analýze vývoje ceny vybrané komodity a snaze o co nejpřesnější predikci budoucího vývoje ceny pro podporu investičního rozhodování. Model neuronové sítě je vytvořen a použit pro predikci v programu MATLAB.This master thesis focuses on the problem of trading on commodity markets. The solution of the problem is designed using the artificial intelligence, specifically neural networks, to determine the trend of a selected commodity price and predict the price movement in the future to support investment decision. The model of the neural network is created and used for prediction in the MATLAB program.

    Freiburg Personality Inventory in the Context of the Penitentiary Care

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    Rigorózní práce si klade za cíl rozšířit možnosti diagnostiky osob ve výkonu trestu o Freiburský osobnostní dotazník, který se jeví z hlediska penitenciární péče jako užitečný nástroj. Existuje jediný slovenský překlad této metody z roku 1984 včetně norem na populaci již neexistujícího státu. Jeho použití je tedy posledních 23 let problematické a nerozšířené. Naproti tomu, poptávka po aktualizovaných diagnostických nástrojích, které nejsou příliš náročné na čas a administraci, a které by zároveň prošly normováním na specifický populační vzorek, vytváří prostor pro efektivní využití FPI v penitenciární praxi. Teoretická část rigorózní práce obsahuje seznámení s metodou, teoretické zázemí a východiska FPI, jeho srovnání s dalšími používanými nástroji poznávání osobnosti, možnosti a limity jeho užití. Současně se zaměřuje na specifika vězeňské populace, popis osobnosti z hlediska její struktury a dynamiky, a možnosti jejího poznávání včetně aktuálně používaných diagnostických nástrojů. Součástí je i přehled intervenčních programů realizovaných v nápravných zařízeních ČR. Hlavním výstupem empirické části práce jsou normy FPI - K pro vězeňskou populaci a zkrácená, 47 položková varianta FPI - V při zachování psychometrických charakteristik komplexní varianty. Z dílčích závěrů lze konstatovat, že...The thesis aims to expand the possibilities for diagnosing sentenced persons by the Freiburg Personality Inventory, which appears to be, in terms of penal custody as a useful tool. There is only one Slovak translation of this method from 1984 including standards for a population already existent state. Its use is problematic past 23 years and unextended. In contrast, demand for updated diagnostic tools that are not too time-consuming and difficult to administrate, and which would also underwent scaling to a specific population sample, creates space for effective use of the FPI in penitentiary practice. The theoretical part contains introduction to the method, theoretical background and the basis of the FPI and its comparison with other instruments used for personality diagnostics, possibilities and limits of its use. At the same time it focuses on the specifics of the prison population, the description of the personality in terms of its structure and dynamics, and the possibility of diagnostics including the currently used diagnostic tools. It also includes a summary of intervention programs implemented in prisons of the Czech Republic. The main outputs of the empirical part are standards of FPI - K for prison population and a shortened, 47 item variant of FPI - V, while maintaining psychometric...Department of PsychologyKatedra psychologieFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Characterization of a midgut mucin-like glycoconjugate of Lutzomyia longipalpis with a potential role in Leishmania attachment

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    BACKGROUND: Leishmania parasites are transmitted by phlebotomine sand flies and a crucial step in their life-cycle is the binding to the sand fly midgut. Laboratory studies on sand fly competence to Leishmania parasites suggest that the sand flies fall into two groups: several species are termed "specific/restricted" vectors that support the development of one Leishmania species only, while the others belong to so-called "permissive" vectors susceptible to a wide range of Leishmania species. In a previous study we revealed a correlation between specificity vs permissivity of the vector and glycosylation of its midgut proteins. Lutzomyia longipalpis and other four permissive species tested possessed O-linked glycoproteins whereas none were detected in three specific vectors examined. RESULTS: We used a combination of biochemical, molecular and parasitological approaches to characterize biochemical and biological properties of O-linked glycoprotein of Lu. longipalpis. Lectin blotting and mass spectrometry revealed that this molecule with an apparent molecular weight about 45-50 kDa corresponds to a putative 19 kDa protein with unknown function detected in a midgut cDNA library of Lu. longipalpis. We produced a recombinant glycoprotein rLuloG with molecular weight around 45 kDa. Anti-rLuloG antibodies localize the native glycoprotein on epithelial midgut surface of Lu. longipalpis. Although we could not prove involvement of LuloG in Leishmania attachment by blocking the native protein with anti-rLuloG during sand fly infections, we demonstrated strong binding of rLuloG to whole surface of Leishmania promastigotes. CONCLUSIONS: We characterized a novel O-glycoprotein from sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis. It has mucin-like properties and is localized on the luminal side of the midgut epithelium. Recombinant form of the protein binds to Leishmania parasites in vitro. We propose a role of this molecule in Leishmania attachment to sand fly midgut


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    In this paper, we describe a technical design of wearable multi-sensor systems for physiological data measurement and wide medical applications, significantly impacted in telehealth. The monitors are composed of three analog front-end (AFE) devices, which assist with interfacing digital electronics to the noise-, time-sensitive physiological sensors for measuring ECG (heart-rate monitor), RR (respiration-rate monitor), SRL (skin resistivity monitor). These three types of sensors can be used separately or together and allow to determine a number of parameters for the assessment of mental and physical condition. The system is designed based on requirements for demanding environments even outside the realm of medical applications, and in accordance with Health and Safety at Work directives (89/391/CE and Seveso-II 96/82/EC) for occupational hygiene, medical, rehabilitation, sports and fitness applications